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Columbia State offers more than 80 academic paths. Find which path is the right fit for you!

What students are saying...

Columbia State has nurtured me academically and assisted me in finding my true potential. Before attending Columbia State, I was not aware of my own academic capabilities. It is amazing what can be accomplished when students are educated in an encouraging, positive environment. Having confidence instilled in me by professors and instructors changed my outlook on my own abilities. I have been so fortunate during my time here to have so many instructors and professors who truly want to see their students succeed. Read More about Courtney...

Courtney Potts

Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing

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What students are saying...

Columbia State has definitely put me out of my comfort zone which I liked. They offered many clubs, and I joined some of them which allowed me to talk to other students. This helped me get out of my shell a bit. Read more about Alla...

Alla Mohammed

Associate of Science Degree in Biology

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What students are saying...

Columbia State helped prepare me for my future by showing me teamwork throughout the clubs that I participated in, how to communicate properly or in a professional manner, and how being involved in clubs helps you. I noticed throughout my time at Columbia State that no matter how shy you are, you can always find somewhere that you belong. Read more about Alexa...

Alexa Gordon

Associate of Science Degree in Pre-Dental Hygiene

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What students are saying...

Columbia State has been my home away from home for many years now. I have learned so much during my time here while making many close friendships, having fun and preparing for my future. I am excited to be moving on to the next chapter of my life with all the experiences I have made here. Read more about Katie...

Katie Whiddon

Associate of Science Degree in Nursing

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walking up stairs 91.58% Job Placement Rate

2021-2022 A.A.S. & Technical Certificate Graduates

wearing a graduation cap, and holding a key 100% Licensure Pass Rate

For 2023 Paramedic (National Average: 71%)

Graduation Cap and Diploma 1,043 Degrees & Certificates Awarded

2023-2024: 642 A.A./A.S./A.S.T. Degrees, 250 A.A.S. Degrees, 151 Tech. Certificates

Trophy 2020-2021 Community College of the Year


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  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/20/24 at 3:30PM

    Columbia State's Department of Music will present its winter concert November 21 at 1:30 p.m. in the Cherry Theater on the Columbia Campus.

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/8/24 at 9:01PM

    The Native American Navajo Code Talkers Exhibit at Finney Memorial Library, Columbia Campus, highlighted the bravery and skill of the Navajo Code Talkers and other Native American soldiers who used their languages to create unbreakable military codes during WWII. No enemy ever deciphered their messages, and these code talkers played a crucial role in securing victory.

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/12/24 at 3:02PM

    Columbia State will host virtual Tennessee Reconnect information sessions during the month of November.

    Tennessee Reconnect is a last-dollar scholarship that provides free tuition for adults to attend a community college. The initiative is designed to help adults enter college to gain new skills, advance in the workplace and fulfill lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential.

    “Tennessee Reconnect provides a wonderful opportunity for eligible adult learners to attend Columbia State tuition-free,” said Joni Allison, Columbia State coordinator of Adult Student Services. “We offer multiple information session dates each month to allow easy access for prospective students who would like to begin or return to college.”

    November 14, 2 – 3 p.m.
    November 18, 5 – 6 p.m.
    November 18, 6 – 7 p.m.
    November 21, 2 – 3 p.m.
    November 23, 10 – 11 a.m.
    November 25, 6 – 7 p.m.

    To read more click link in our bio!

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/11/24 at 6:30PM

    Today, we honor the courage and dedication of our veterans. To our students, faculty, and staff who have served—your contributions inspire us every day. Thank you for your service. #VeteransDay 🇺🇸

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/4/24 at 4:01PM

    Are you a first-generation college student? We’re here to celebrate you and your achievements! Join us at Columbia State for a special celebration honoring all first-gen students. Enjoy a hot cocoa bar, fun photo props, and good company!

    Wednesday Nov. 6
    Clifton- Lobby
    Lewisburg- Lobby
    Williamson- Arts & Tech. Building Student Engagement area

    Thursday Nov. 7
    Columbia- Jones Student Center Cafeteria
    Lawrence- Lobby

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/11/24 at 5:21PM

    🇺🇸 Join us for a special Veterans Day Chili Luncheon at Columbia State! 🇺🇸

    Enjoy a bowl of chili with all the fixin’s and dessert for just $5. Veterans and active-duty military eat FREE with military ID. Prepay options available—call 931-540-2530.

    Let’s come together to honor our heroes! ❤️💙 #VeteransDay #ColumbiaState

  • Photo from @ColumbiaState on Instagram on columbiastate at 11/1/24 at 6:01PM

    Columbia State welcomes Wendy Moten to the Cherry Theater on November 14 as part of the First Farmers Performance Series.

    Moten's powerful voice and presence was nurtured growing up in Memphis, Tennessee. She gained prominence with major-label solo records, international hits and working alongside the music industry's top talent. Her performance on Season 21 of The Voice gained Moten millions of new fans and allowed her to showcase the numerous genres that she can effortlessly explore, from R&B and pop to country and jazz. As an artist who has learned different languages, cultures, histories and music while traveling the world, she is a bridge builder who unites people of all backgrounds and races.

    Read more by clicking link in our bio!

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